

June 5, 2024, 10 a.m.June 7, 2024, 4 p.m.
Past event

Mankind currently needs around 1.74 Earths per year to cover its demand for raw materials and energy, thus clearly exceeding the limits of our planet‘s finite natural resources. More efficient production processes, material cycles with innovative recycling processes and alternative energy sources are urgently needed. At the 75th BHT - FREIBERGER UNIVERSITÄTSFORUM 2024, interested parties from research, business and society are once again cordially invited to explore and discuss current scientific developments in an interdisciplinary dialogue during the three days of the conference. Even if the topics have changed over the past three quarters of a century: With the conference, we are looking all these years into the future and discussing innovative solutions for sustainable development. We look forward to welcoming you on this inspiring journey through science and progress.


09599 Freiberg

Event location

TU Bergakademie Freiberg

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