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Freiberg Alumni Network

Welcome to Freiberg Alumni Network.

You have studied, researched, taught or worked at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg? Then you have come to the right place. You are a part of the university and we would like to stay in touch with you. The Freiberg Alumni Network, FAN for short, is the link to your former university.

If you register, you will stay informed, receive regular newsletters and can participate in special alumni events.

The motto of the Freiberg Alumni Network is: We stay in touch!


News | Dec. 15, 2024

Neue Zielvereinbarung für 2025-2028

In einer feierlichen Zeremonie unterzeichneten die Rektorinnen und Rektoren der sächsischen Hochschulen am 11.12.2024 in Dresden die neuen Zielvereinbarungen der Hochschulen mit Minister Sebastian Gemkow (Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus – SMWK). Für die TUBAF vertrat der Prorektor für Nachhaltigkeit und Kommunikation, Professor Andreas Horsch, den Rektor Professor Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht.  Read more...
News | Dec. 11, 2024

Professor Drebenstedt receives the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany

TUBAF Professor Carsten Drebenstedt received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany yesterday. Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmar presented him with the award in Dresden on behalf of the Federal President.  Read more...
News | Dec. 5, 2024

„Wenn ich in Freiberg bin, komme ich nach Hause“: JuniorUni mit TUBAF-Alumna Bolormaa Dendev

Am Sonnabend, den 30. November fand wieder die JuniorUni der TUBAF statt, eine Wissenschaftsveranstaltung speziell für Kinder. Dort wird unter anderem Bolormaa Dendev eine Vorlesung halten. Das Thema: Wie leben Nomadenkinder in der Mongolei?  Read more...
News | Dec. 4, 2024

Fresh iron from old mining sludge

It sounds like utopia: mining sludge is transformed into valuable metals and new building materials. Over the past three years, researchers at TU Bergakademie Freiberg have successfully trialled this innovative process in a pilot plant. The team succeeded in extracting iron and zinc from mining sludge and wastewater and processing the residues into a building material based on geopolymer technology. In the end, they release clean water into the original watercourse. The chemists proved that the innovative process works at the so-called Roter Graben near Freiberg - they want to further develop the process with regional partners in the future. However, the recycling technology could also provide solutions for post-mining in other regions.  Read more...
News | Dec. 2, 2024

Mitgliederversammlung der "Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg" (VFF) fand Ende November statt

Am 29. November 2024 versammelten sich rund 130 Aktive des Vereins, genehmigten den geprüften Jahresbericht 2023, entlasteten den Vorstand für dieses Geschäftsjahr und bestätigten das vorgeschlagene Budget für 2025.  Read more...
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