
IMRE 20 Years Celebration

30. Sept. 2019, 09:005. Okt. 2019, 16:00
Vergangene Veranstaltung

The MBA International Management of Resources and Environment (IMRE) Study Programme of TU Bergakademie Freiberg Germany focuses on the environment and natural resources providing useful and practice-oriented knowledge on management issues.

The course is devoted to the topic of sustainability in operational context, particularly in relation to the application of the relevant knowledge and concepts of business administration in the management of energy and natural resources and the environment. From the start-up in 1999, participants have been very international. It is our pleasure to inform you that in 2019 the IMRE 20 Years Celebration Conference will be held from 30 September - 5 October in Freiberg, Germany at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The event is sponsored by DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service.


Akaddemiestraße 6
09599 Freiberg


TU Bergakademie Freiberg

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