In late November Prof. Michal Szucki was appointed as Associate Professor for foundry processes and materials. Bevor accepting the professorship at TU Bergakademie Freiberg he has been Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Foundry Engineering at AGH UST Krakow. Photo: TU Bergakademie Freiberg
The 37 years old metallurgist examines castings and simulates foundry processes using, among others, different numerical approaches (e.g. CFD methods). In recent years Prof. Michal Szucki’s research focuses on the modelling of metal matrix composite manufacturing and the development of hybrid casting-forging industrial processes.
At TU Bergakademie Freiberg the new Professor wants to create a research group in the Foundry Institute dealing with automatization and simulation of foundry processes. This also includes preparing new classes for students on the use of digital tools in science and engineering. As part of the first projects, Prof. Michal Szucki intends to focus on the optimization of the foundry cores production.
Prof. Michal Szucki is the seventh Professor hired at TU Freiberg within the framework of a Tenure-Track-program funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and the state of Saxony. The program aims to establish the Tenure-Track career path at German universities and to offer attractive career prospects to scientists in Germany. Thanks to the funding TU Bergakademie Freiberg will be able to employ an overall number of eight new professors in the fields of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science as well as Geosciences and Materials Science.