Oct. 13, 2020

Two professors of TU Bergakademie Freiberg retire

With Professor Udo Hebisch and Professor Michael Stelter, the TU Bergakademie Freiberg is bidding farewell in October to two long-standing employees and thanking them for their work in research and teaching. Photo: TU Bergakademie Freiberg / Detlev Müller  Read more...
Oct. 5, 2020

Three new professors

Professor Dr Roman Gumeniuk, assistant professor Dr Maximilian Lau and Professor Dr Martin Schneider will start working at TU Bergakademie Freiberg in October. The scientists are working in the fields of physics, mathematics and mineralogy. Photo: TU Bergakademie Freiberg  Read more...
Oct. 2, 2020

Institute for Ceramics, Glass and Building Materials Technology repositions itself

Two new institutes - the Institute of Ceramics, Refractory and Composite Materials and the Institute of Glass and Glass Technology - were created from the former IKGB with effect from 1st October 2020.  Read more...
Oct. 2, 2020

Little helpers for metal extraction: Using bacteria for electronic waste recycling

Biohydrometallurgists at TU Bergakademie Freiberg have demonstrated for the first time that leaching with the help of bacteria can also be used to separate components when recycling electronic waste.  Read more...
Sept. 3, 2020

University campus is growing: Modern teaching and learning facilities with plenty of space for students

Lots of space for learning together - that is the wish of many students. The university fulfils this wish with modern buildings on campus. The new university library with lecture hall centre will in future offer up to 1,500 students various opportunities for learning and studying.  Read more...
Sept. 3, 2020

New professor of geoecology begins his work

Professor Dr Conrad Jackisch starts in September 2020 as assistant professor for flow and transport modelling in the geosphere at the Institute of Drilling Engineering and Fluid Mining.  Read more...
Sept. 1, 2020

Intelligente Rekultivierung mit virtuellen Tools

Um ehemalige Tagebaue künftig besser rekultivieren zu können, arbeitet die Universität mit europäischen Experten an einem neuen Geo-Informationssystem mit hochauflösenden Daten und virtuellen Prognose-Werkzeugen für die gezielte Simulation des Kohleausstiegs vom jetzigen Abbau bis zur Nachnutzung.  Read more...
Aug. 27, 2020

The (in)visible drought: effects on groundwater and water quality

Mild winters and hot summers - The extreme drought of the last two years is now showing its effects on nature. Professor Dr Traugott Scheytt from the TU Bergakademie Freiberg explains what this means for the deeper soil layers, the groundwater and the water quality in German lakes. Photo: Adobe Stock / NATTAPONG  Read more...
Aug. 20, 2020

"Erzkumpel" - New miniature figures presented for 4th Saxon State Exhibition in Freiberg

From the driller to the blaster to the mine rescue team - the first five new figures already show the diverse work in the Freiberg ore mining industry in the 1950s and 1970s. They come from the hands of the Seiffen craftsman Siegfried Werner. Photo: TU Bergakademie Freiberg  Read more...
Aug. 19, 2020

Geoingenieure bauen digitales Entwicklungslabor für Arbeitsmaschinen aus

Mit dem Aufbau eines neuen Kabinensimulators verfügt die TU Bergakademie Freiberg über eines der führenden Labore zur virtuellen Entwicklung und zum virtuellen Test von vernetzten Arbeitsmaschinen.  Read more...
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